L'Unité de recherche Clinique, Innovation, Pharmacologie (URCIP) - Saint-Etienne


Who are we ?

The URCIP (Unité de recherche Clinique, Innovation, Pharmacologie) is a unit of clinical, innovative and pharmacological research of Saint-Etienne University Hospital (https://www.chu-st-etienne.fr/Professionnels/Recherche/Presentation_DRCI/Pro_URCIP.asp). The URCIP is involved in technical-regulatory activities and also provides methodological support, training and monitoring of university hospital research staff. 


Topics of interest

Meta-epidemiology is a tool for taking into account the different methodological characteristics of studies included in systematic reviews. The main interest of meta-epidemiology is to control and quantify potential biases in quantitative systematic reviews, and to derive appropriate results for evidence-based recommendations. Today, networked meta-epidemiology is also being suggested as a way of overcoming some of the limitations of meta-epidemiology. To activate meta-epidemiological studies, tools for managing the risk of bias and any other marker of potential difference linked to the methodology used (single or multi-center study, objective or subjective criteria, qualitative or quantitative, etc.) should be implemented.


Main publications




Unité de recherche Clinique, Innovation, Pharmacologie

CHU Saint-Etienne

Hopital Nord, 42055 Saint-Etienne



03 83 85 93 02
CIC-EC 1433 - Inserm
CHRU de Nancy
9 Allée du Morvan,
54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

The RECaP F-CRIN network in a national network of Research in Clinical Epidemiology and in Public Health. It is a network of structures which includes 15 research units spread accross France.
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