Operation Charter

In order to organize and structure its operation, the RECaP network has a charter. Its main elements are detailed here.

Network commitments to its members:

Commitments of network members:

Integration of a project in the RECaP network
In order to be considered a RECaP project, a project must involve at least 2 structures members of the network and the project leader must work in a network structure. The validation of the network support to a project is decided during a meeting of the scientific committee after collection of opinions from the scientific committee members.

Funding of the network
The RECaP network is funded by Inserm. The RECaP project are, them, funded by national or international call for proposals and don’t receive fund from the network.


03 83 85 93 02
CIC-EC 1433 - Inserm
CHRU de Nancy
9 Allée du Morvan,
54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

The RECaP F-CRIN network in a national network of Research in Clinical Epidemiology and in Public Health. It is a network of structures which includes 15 research units spread accross France.
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