Primary care projects

This group works on the different problematics, notably methodological, associated to primary care research and regroups researchers from several fields (epidemiologists, general practitioners, pharmacoepidemiologists …). As a result of these different research cultures, one of the first reflection was the necessity, for the group, of having a consensual definition to the primary care field, common language elements. Therefore, a synthesis of the sources defining primary care at the national, European and international levels for the members of the group was carried out. This synthesis was enriched with the exchanges and discussions between the researchers in order to illustrate the diversity of primary care in France and the potential of the associated research.
This work led to the redaction of an article published in the Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique:

Le groupe Soins primaires du réseau Recherche en épidémiologie clinique et en santé publique (RECaP). [Primary care: A definition of the field to develop research]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1 déc 2017;

03 83 85 93 02
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CHRU de Nancy
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54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

The RECaP F-CRIN network in a national network of Research in Clinical Epidemiology and in Public Health. It is a network of structures which includes 15 research units spread accross France.
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