The RICCO project (Reporting Intraclass Correlation Coefficients as Outcomes in cluster randomized trials) has for aim to change the paradigm about the use of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The objective is to study the ICC in different cluster randomized trials (different kinds of intervention, different kinds of clusters, different kinds of study end points,…) and to see how an intervention can impact the ICC. This is a project that calls for the sharing of databases of already analyzed trials within the network. The principal investigator is Bruno Giraudeau of the CIC-P 1415 (Tours).
03 83 85 93 02
CIC-EC 1433 - Inserm
CHRU de Nancy
9 Allée du Morvan,
54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
The RECaP F-CRIN network in a national network of Research in Clinical Epidemiology and in Public Health. It is a network of structures which includes 15 research units spread accross France.
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