CIC-EC 1432 - Dijon

Who are we?Picture of CIC-EC 1432

The CIC-EC 1432 has for mission to provide a methodological and logistical help to all stages of clinical epidemiology studies (cohort follow-up, studies of care practice, diagnostic studies,…) and randomized trials phase III or IV multicenter, including notably a medico-economic side. The activity of the CIC-EC takes place in the strategic axes of Dijon research site (Cancer and precancerous pathologies; Sensory, motor and cognitive incapacities; immune response, inflammation, infection; rare diseases). The CIC-EC has, furthermore, initiated a transverse axis “Patient/Health/Society” putting the patient (and/or his entourage), his social and societal environment at the core of the research concerns. It aims more specifically to assess the links between the socio-economic conditions and the patient care or outcome, the quality of life of patients (and/or their families), the role of the patient (and/or families) in the logistic of decision making.
Currently, the CIC-EC participates in more than 50 research projects, in most of which, it is strongly involved from the conception to the valorization. These studies are made in partnership with clinical teams and researchers of labeled teams of the research site (Research center Inserm U1231, notably team “Epidémiologie et recherche Clinique en cancérologie digestive”, Labex LipSTIC, U1093 “cognition, action, plasticité sensorimotrice”, FHU TRANSLASD and INCREASE, Centre for Taste and Feeding Behavior…), in coordination with the pluri-thematic unit of the CIC, and the other support structures to clinical research of the site. The CIC is heavily involved in the networks Quali-CIC, RECaP, REDSIAM and the national platform “quality of life and cancer” and develops partnerships with study groups and international consortiums (GTE, FFCD, E3,…). Since 2016, it also i involved in the pilot studies of Plan France Médecine Génomique 2025, in close collaboration with other RECaP teams.

Main publications

Contact us

CIC-EC Inserm CIC1432
UFR des Sciences de Santé
7, bd Jeanne d’Arc
21000 Dijon


03 83 85 93 02
CIC-EC 1433 - Inserm
CHRU de Nancy
9 Allée du Morvan,
54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

The RECaP F-CRIN network in a national network of Research in Clinical Epidemiology and in Public Health. It is a network of structures which includes 15 research units spread accross France.
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