CIC-EC 1433 - Nancy

Who are we?Picture of the CIC-EC

The CIC-EC 1433 is a research unit with 3 tutelages: Inserm, Nancy teaching hospital and Lorraine University. It research focus on clinical epidemiology and methodological research in epidemiology and public health. .Its thematic orientations favors:

1. Cohort and registry studies with diagnostic, etiologic, and prognostic applications: these multiple data source allow the surveillance of pathology frequency and give a vision of its evolution on a large numbers of patients: heart failure cohort (EPICAL 2), hip and knee arthrosics cohort (KHOALA). The CIC-EC is working on the REIN registry for renal failure, the Lorraine Multiple Sclerosis Registry (RelSEP) and the EI Observatory for infectious endocarditis.

2. Evaluation of complex interventions and medico-economic evaluation: these research fields cover many specialties (cardiovascular, renal, inflammatory and metabolic diseases,…) and set up large-scale projects such as RESIST project (smoking cessation for apprentices students) or PRALIMAP-Inès project (obesity screen for adolescents from disadvantaged backgrounds).

3. Metrology and perceived health: this axe focuses in the development of patient reported outcome measurement scales and the psychometrics studies of it. A bank or PRO was developed at the CIC-EC and can be used by francophone researchers, it is the SeleQt platform

This research works are made in partnership with EA4360 APEMAC team (adaptation, measure and evaluation in health) and other certified teams (Inserm, CNRS and ministry of research) of Lorraine University, clinical units of Nancy hospital and others regional establishments (maternity home, anti-cancer centers) and institutional partners (Biomedecine Agency, National cancer Institute, Santé Publique France).

Main publications

Contact Us

CIC 1433 Epidémiologie clinique
Inserm, CHRU, Université de Lorraine
CHRU de Nancy-Hopitaux de Brabois
9 allée du morvan
54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy
+ 33 (0)


03 83 85 93 02
CIC-EC 1433 - Inserm
CHRU de Nancy
9 Allée du Morvan,
54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

The RECaP F-CRIN network in a national network of Research in Clinical Epidemiology and in Public Health. It is a network of structures which includes 15 research units spread accross France.
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